Tuesday, January 31, 2017

RenewAmerica Newsletter

January 31, 2017
Latest columns
Why we can't hear the truth?
Rev. Mark H. Creech
Israel in dispute
Tabitha Korol
K-12: Grifter's paradise
Bruce Deitrick Price
Truth or consequences
Louie Verrecchio

January 31, 2017
ALAN KEYES — Since the Supreme Court's blatantly anti-constitutional decision purporting to force "gay marriage" on all the United States, the GOP's elitist faction leaders have repeatedly signaled their intention to accept the decisions as the "law of the land."... (more)

January 31, 2017
USA TODAY — The Boy Scouts of America announced Monday that, effective immediately, it will accept and register transgender youth into its organization. The move marks a reversal of a policy in place for a century and is effective for the Boy Scouts and the Cub Scouts. The organization vowed to recognize the gender a youngster lists on an application.... (more)

January 30, 2017
ROBERT KNIGHT — As any reporter can tell you, it's far more fun to cover zany people and events than those exuding decency and restraint. The news business, like much of the entertainment media, thrives on mayhem. In Disney's animated classic "Fantasia," the spectacular deviltry of "A Night on Bald Mountain" is followed by a peaceful march of candle-bearing believers after the morning sun dispatches the satanic hordes.... (more)

January 30, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — Despite confusion at airports and a judicial spanking, the White House said Sunday that President Trump's "extreme vetting" executive order remains in effect and is working as the administration had hoped, halting almost all travelers from seven majority-Muslim countries with histories of terrorism.... (more)

January 30, 2017
NEWSMAX — A veteran defense secretary from President Barack Obama's administration, Robert Gates, defended President Donald Trump's Week 1 use of executive orders, including Friday's hard-liners on immigration, warning the media Sunday in being too judgmental too soon.... (more)

January 30, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — President Trump on Sunday disputed the characterizations that his so-called "extreme vetting" executive order is a "Muslim ban." "To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting," Trump said in a statement released by the White House. "This is not about religion -- this is about terror and keeping our country safe."... (more)

January 30, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton defended President Trump on Sunday over his executive order barring travel from seven countries featuring Muslim-majority populations, specifically against Democratic claims that the order is a "religious test."... (more)

January 30, 2017
DESERET NEWS — Amid the controversy swirling around President Trump's executive order banning refugees from seven Muslim countries, the LDS Church issued a statement late Saturday night urging solutions that relieve refugee suffering.... (more)

January 30, 2017
BYRON YORK — There's one fundamental difference between the new White House and the old when it comes to immigration: Barack Obama ordered his administration not to enforce a number of immigration laws. Donald Trump has ordered his administration to enforce them.... (more)

January 30, 2017
GARTH KANT — It's a simple question: You supported the border wall in 2006, so why not now? Six key Democrats have entirely flip-flopped on the issue and the mainstream media have not bothered to ask them why. WND asked each of them and did not receive a single response.... (more)

January 30, 2017
TIMOTHY P. CARNEY — On the way to the March for Life this morning, I ran into Rick Santorum, the pro-life former senator and presidential candidate. Here are highlights from our conversation: How do you think the Trump administration is doing on the pro-life issue?... (more)

January 30, 2017
JOSEPH FARAH — Donald Trump is wasting no time changing the direction of the federal government 180 degrees. It's a good thing he's not wasting time, because we may not have much. Barack Obama and the last four Congresses left the U.S. government with a staggering, mind-boggling, unimaginable black hole of red ink.... (more)

January 29, 2017
TIMOTHY P. CARNEY — What does this executive order do? The Executive Order has four main policies 1) Places a 90 day moratorium on entry to the U.S. from the seven countries named in a 2015 law aimed at requiring stricter vetting for people entering from Iran or countries overrun by jihadist violence.... (more)

January 29, 2017
DAVID FRENCH — To read the online commentary, one would think that President Trump just fundamentally corrupted the American character. You would think that the executive order on refugees he signed yesterday betrayed America's Founding ideals. You might even think he banned people from an entire faith from American shores.... (more)

January 29, 2017
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — On Friday, President Donald Trump issued an executive order calling for heightened vetting of certain foreign nationals seeking entry into the United States. The order temporarily suspends entry by the nationals of seven Muslim-majority countries: Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen. It is to last for 90 days, while heightened vetting procedures are developed.... (more)

January 29, 2017
WESLEY PRUDEN — Immigration, both the legal and the illegal kind, is destined to be a contentious issue in America forever. That's the price of living in the place where everybody wants to be.... (more)

January 29, 2017
PAUL BEDARD — President Trump's decision to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and stop the free flow of refugees until they can be vetted better is reviving the morale of customs and border agents, according to the union representing both.... (more)

January 29, 2017
LIFE SITE NEWS — The entire 2017 March for Life can be seen in a time-lapse video taken from the vantage point of a high roof top. The video shows the march from beginning to end.... (more)

January 29, 2017
LIFE NEWS — U.S. Senator Ben Sasse reintroduced the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act on Wednesday in Congress amid strong hopes that the bill will pass this time around. Last year, the U.S. House passed the bill, but it did not move forward in the Senate. With Republican majorities now in both houses, the life-protecting measure appears much more likely to pass.... (more)

January 29, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — NBC's Chuck Todd confessed that he and others in the mainstream news media played down just how despised Hillary Clinton was in the heartland due to the fear of appearing "sexist."... (more)

January 27, 2017
CBN NEWS — In an exclusive interview with The Brody File, President Donald Trump says persecuted Christians will be given priority when it comes to applying for refugee status in the United States. "We are going to help them," President Trump tells CBN News.... (more)

January 27, 2017
NEWSMAX — Vice President Mike Pence told a crowd gathered Friday in Washington for the annual March for Life rally that ending taxpayer-funded abortion and choosing a Supreme Court justice who will uphold "God-given" liberties are among top priorities of the Trump administration... (more)

January 27, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — Hillary Clinton garnered more than 800,000 votes from noncitizens on Nov. 8, an approximation far short of President Trump's estimate of up to 5 million illegal voters but supportive of his charges of fraud. Political scientist Jesse Richman of Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, has worked with colleagues to produce groundbreaking research on noncitizen voting, and this week he posted a blog in response to Mr. Trump's assertion.... (more)

January 27, 2017
CLIFF KINCAID — DeForest Rathbone, chairman of the National Institute of Citizen Anti-drug Policy (NICAP), says one of the most notorious examples of "fake news" in the media is the notion that marijuana is medicine. He is so alarmed by the misinformation being spread by the media about marijuana and other aspects of the growing drug problem that he sponsored a full-page advertisement in Monday's Washington Times, urging President Donald Trump to personally follow through on his promise to address "the growing national public health crisis of soaring drug addiction and overdose deaths."... (more)

January 26, 2017
NEWSMAX — The Trump administration is preparing executive orders to drastically reduce the U.S. role in the United Nations and other international organizations, The New York Times reported Wednesday.... (more)

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Thursday, January 19, 2017

RenewAmerica Newsletter

January 20, 2017
Latest columns
The man with the air hose
Rev. Austin Miles

January 19, 2017
WES VERNON — In the middle of the 20th century, the world made an almost seamless transition from the residue of World War II straight into a highly troubling aftermath. Reports and hearings, in and out of Congress, showed that a demonstrably hostile force on both a worldwide scale and here at home had attained influence in many of the areas of society -- education, entertainment, news media, powerful foundations, family relations; also government, especially our own State Department, whose propaganda and "diplomatic" efforts had the effect of foisting upon us a Communist China.... (more)

January 19, 2017
CLIFF KINCAID — The civil rights "icon," Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), has suddenly discovered the dangers of Russian influence in the U.S. political process. He tells Chuck Todd of NBC News, "I don't see this President-elect [Donald J. Trump] as a legitimate president. I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton."... (more)

January 19, 2017
BRYAN FISCHER — The chances are good that William Pryor is at the top of Donald Trump's list of nominees to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court. William Pryor, however, would be a "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad" choice to take Scalia's seat on the bench. (For a profile of Judge Pryor's judicial career, go here.)... (more)

January 19, 2017
ERICK ERICKSON — President Obama intends to release a bunch of people from GTMO. Some of the people he has already released have gone back to the battlefield to try to kill Americans again. So Ted Cruz is offering up a really commonsensical piece of legislation -- declassify the histories of those Obama is releasing from GTMO.... (more)

January 19, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — It was the defining promise of the early days of the "hope and change" administration: President Obama would signal a new era of U.S. engagement with the world by closing, within a year, the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.... (more)

January 19, 2017
NEWSMAX — The Senate Armed Services Committee voted decisively Wednesday to approve Donald Trump's pick for defense secretary, clearing the way for retired Marine Gen. James Mattis to be confirmed shortly after the president-elect is sworn in.... (more)

January 19, 2017
NEWSMAX — A prominent California pastor claims President Barack Obama pardoned national-security secrets leaker Chelsea Manning because of an affinity for supporting people who "are confused about who they are" or believe in same-sex marriage.... (more)

January 19, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — The National Education Association is urging students and teachers to skip school Thursday to protest the presidency of Donald Trump at school.... (more)

January 19, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — It's clear: According to liberal dogma, one can only be a feminist if they are pro-choice. Organizers of the anti-Trump Women's March, which include abortion groups like Planned Parenthood and NARAL, were put into an uncomfortable position, when some pro-life groups wanted to join them.... (more)

January 19, 2017
DAILY WIRE — As the Daily Wire reported Tuesday, the Hollywood trade Variety released its latest issue, a special Inaugural edition that features five left-wingers opposed to Donald Trump, the man who will be sworn in as our 45th president Friday. The cover features CNN's Van Jones, Chelsea Handler, rape-hoaxer Lena Dunham, Michael Moore, and Hamilton's Brandon Victor Dixon. All five stand together holding a large American flag... A flag that, in full-violation of United States Code, is dragging on the ground.... (more)

January 19, 2017
NEWSMAX — President-elect Donald Trump will "come out smoking" as soon as he takes over the Oval Office, bestselling author David Horowitz told Lou Dobbs on Fox Business News Wednesday night.... (more)

January 18, 2017
NEWSMAX — Nearly seven in 10 Americans say President-elect Donald Trump's use of Twitter is a bad idea, an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll reveals.... (more)

January 18, 2017
THE BLAZE — In the state of Iowa, lawmakers are discussing an abortion-related bill that would be the first of its kind in the entire country if passed. The bill would allow a woman to sue an abortion provider if at any point in her life she experiences emotional distress due to having the abortion. The bill provides that there will be no statute of limitations for this private cause of action. GOP State Senator Mark Chelgren, who introduced the proposal, said he wanted to make sure women were protected.... (more)

January 18, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES) — President Obama oversaw the deepest legislative malaise in modern political history, according to the Washington Times Legislative Index, which captures his struggles to find ways to work with a Congress that ranged from lukewarm to openly hostile toward him.... (more)

January 18, 2017
THE BLAZE — Typically, presidents don't make sweeping policy decisions or diplomatic agreements with foreign countries in the final days of their tenure in the White House. President Barack Obama's final days, however, have been anything but typical.... (more)

January 18, 2017
DAILY WIRE — On Tuesday, President Obama used what was left of his executive authority to commute the sentence of Bradley Manning, the notorious transgender army traitor who provided purloined and classified U.S. military documents to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. He is accused of leaking roughly 150,000 diplomatic cables, 750,000 documents total, many of which are of vital national security interest to the United States.... (more)

January 18, 2017
THE RESURGENT — Suddenly, leaking classified information is in vogue and even admirable. The abject moral cowardice and duplicity of President Obama cannot be understated, pardoning those who leak classified data literally in the last 36 hours of his presidency.... (more)

January 18, 2017
NPR — The abortion rate in the United States fell to its lowest level since the historic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalized abortion nationwide, a new report finds. The report by the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports legalized abortion, puts the rate at 14.6 abortions per 1,000 women of childbearing age (ages 15-44) in 2014. That's the lowest recorded rate since the Roe decision in 1973. The abortion rate has been declining for decades -- down from a peak of 29.3 in 1980 and 1981.... (more)

January 17, 2017
THE RESURGENT — Donald Trump is about to be sued for sexual harassment according to attorney Gloria Allred. The report from the Daily Beast cites an announcement of a press conference by Allred to take place in Los Angeles at 11:30 a.m. local time. At this point, there is no indication of who Trump's accuser is.... (more)

January 17, 2017
LIFE NEWS — A new Live Action investigation reveals that Planned Parenthood did not fulfill its promises to change after its employees were caught willing to help sex traffickers cover up abuses of young girls.... (more)

January 16, 2017
ALAN KEYES — Abraham Lincoln was a man who typified the character of many of the Americans of his time. As I wrote in a recently published article: Judging by things that he said -- even in the speeches he gave in opposition to slavery -- it's not hard to show that Abraham Lincoln was a racist, with prejudices like those of many slaveholders, who regarded him as their enemy.... (more)

January 16, 2017
JOAN SWIRSKY — In 2009, America experienced a genuine coup d'etat, exquisitely formulated and flawlessly executed after decades of planning by the socialists, communists, and jihadists among us who loathe America and have wished for nothing less than transforming our great country into a mecca of far-left, anti-American policies, punctuated by preposterous liberal constructs like political correctness and multiculturalism, and ultimately subservient to Sharia law.... (more)

January 16, 2017
CLIFF KINCAID — Echoing New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer's warning that the intelligence community is out to "get" President-elect Trump, a Brookings Institution expert who served in the Clinton administration says that Trump's treatment of his spies will "come back to bite him" in the form of "devastating" leaks to the media that will make him look foolish or incompetent.... (more)

January 16, 2017

January 15, 2017
LIFE NEWS — On Friday afternoon, the House of Representatives approved a Senate-passed budget resolution that is the first step in defunding the Planned Parenthood abortion business. This repeal resolution is the first step in the process to re-direct Planned Parenthood's taxpayer funding to legitimate health care entities and repeal Obamacare using the budget reconciliation procedure. President-Elect Donald Trump has promised to sign the bill into law.... (more)

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