Friday, February 3, 2017

RenewAmerica Newsletter

February 3, 2017
Latest columns
Girls can now be Boy Scouts
Rev. Mark H. Creech
Me, my selfie, and I
Jerry Newcombe
Why we can't hear the truth?
Rev. Mark H. Creech
Israel in dispute
Tabitha Korol

February 3, 2017
CLIFF KINCAID — At the March for Life, Vice President Mike Pence said, "Life is winning through the steady advance of science that illuminates when life begins, more and more, every day." White House Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway said, "Science and medicine have joined religion and morality in causing many Americans to rethink just how fragile and how triumphant human life truly is."... (more)

February 2, 2017
JOAN SWIRSKY — A day or two before the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump on January 20, 2017, I watched a reporter interviewing five attractive, intelligent, articulate women from California, who were all making the long cross-country trip to the Women's March on Washington on January 21st. Amazingly, not one woman was able to express a persuasive or even rational reason for the trip, but instead resorted to time-worn platitudes, bromides, and leftist talking points about "unity" and "solidarity" and "getting the message out." Um...what message?... (more)

February 2, 2017
GEORGE WILL — With an asperity born of exasperation, Justice Antonin Scalia once wrote, "If you want aspirations, you can read the Declaration of Independence," but "there is no such philosophizing in our Constitution," which is "a practical and pragmatic charter of government."... (more)

February 2, 2017
NEWSMAX — President Donald Trump's nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court has "restored the faith of voters," GOP political consultant Mary Matalin told Newsmax TV Wednesday.... (more)

February 2, 2017
NEWSMAX — Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly has set a goal on completing President Donald Trump's Mexican border wall in two years, he told Fox News.... (more)

February 2, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — When the House Subcommittee on Government Operations held a hearing in April 2015 titled "The Worst Places to Work in the Federal Government," an agency manager at the Department of Homeland Security was called in to testify.... (more)

February 2, 2017
GREG COROMBOS — The woman behind recent videos that decimate Planned Parenthood's claim that it needs to receive taxpayer dollars to meet vital prenatal needs says congressional Republicans are poised to remove funding from the nation's largest abortion provider and Democrats will be powerless to stop it.... (more)

February 2, 2017
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — If the Left is going to twist every bit of Trump administration news into fiction, who is going to believe them when, inevitably, there actually is something worth raising hell about? The question is worth asking -- for about the tenth time this week . . . and it's only Tuesday! -- in light of the fuss Democrats and their media friends are making over a discussion between just-fired acting attorney general Sally Yates and Senator Jeff Sessions, President Trump's attorney-general nominee, at a 2015 Judiciary Committee hearing.... (more)

February 2, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Republicans in Congress plan to introduce legislation Wednesday that would prohibit workers nationwide from being forced to support a union. The national right-to-work legislation likely would be a major blow to organized labor because it would allow millions of workers to opt out of union membership for the first time.... (more)

February 2, 2017
THE HILL — The House on Thursday struck down an Obama-era regulation that could block some recipients of disability benefits from buying guns. The House voted 235-180 to roll back a rule that required the Social Security Administration to report people who receive disability benefits and have a mental health condition to the FBI's background check system. The database is used to determine eligibility for buying a firearm. Critics said the rule stripped Second Amendment rights from people who are not dangerously mentally ill, such as those who have eating disorders.... (more)

February 2, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — In one fell swoop, President Trump has a unique opportunity to show his concern for forgotten Americans, create jobs (especially for coal miners), and defend the rule of law, separation of powers, and the Constitution. In the process, he will rob President Obama of his sole surviving legacy, a legacy that bedevils rural people in perpetuity to the utter delight of environmental groups, one of which cosponsored the Women's March.... (more)

February 1, 2017
BRYAN FISCHER — As we feared, President Trump has chosen sides in the battle between homosexuality and religious liberty. And he has chosen poorly. From The Hill (emphasis mine): "The White House said early Tuesday that President Trump will continue to enforce an Obama-era executive order protecting the rights of the LGBTQ community in the workplace."... (more)

February 1, 2017
CLIFF KINCAID — Donald Trump's adviser Stephen K. Bannon told the truth, but not the whole truth, when he described the media as the main opposition to President Trump. He neglected to mention academia as another important bastion for anti-Trump organizing and action.... (more)

February 1, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — President Trump on Tuesday nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to the empty seat on the Supreme Court, kicking off the biggest test of his young administration with Democratic senators already itching for a fight. Judge Gorsuch is a favorite of conservatives, who say his legal mind and clear writing are fitting for someone picked to fill the seat of the late Justice Antonin Scalia. The president dubbed him "the very best judge in the country."... (more)

February 1, 2017
NATIONAL REVIEW — On the Saturday afternoon last February when he received word of Justice Scalia's death, Neil M. Gorsuch "immediately lost [his] breath" and "couldn't see . . . for the tears."... (more)

February 1, 2017
NEWSMAX — Texas Sen. Ted Cruz called the pick of Judge Neil Gorsuch a "home run," telling CNN just after President Donald Trump made the announcement in the White House East Room, the nomination was the "most important decision President Trump has made in the first two weeks serving in office."... (more)

February 1, 2017
BYRON YORK — From Washington State to Washington DC, Democrats across the country are stepping up what some call "The Resistance" to President Trump, moving across political, legal, bureaucratic, legislative, and civil disobedience fronts to frustrate the newly elected president's agenda.... (more)

February 1, 2017
CHARLES HURT — Look, global elites, nobody said self-governance would be easy. Or pretty. But it is what it is. Get over it. The full-bore freak-out hysteria over President Trump's executive order directed at finally getting a grip on who exactly is coming into the United States from the Middle East has been amusing.... (more)

February 1, 2017
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — President Trump's temporary ban on entry into the U.S. by various categories of aliens has caused a firestorm. That owes in part to the rash implementation of perfectly legal restrictions, but the hysteria is out of proportion to the minimal harm actually done.... (more)

January 31, 2017
WESLEY PRUDEN — Once more, with feeling. There's a president with the proper appreciation of "the special relationship" between the United States and Great Britain. Winston Churchill is back in the Oval Office, even if it's only his head on a pedestal. Donald Trump and Theresa May struck it off better than expected. The Donald even took her for a stroll, holding her hand. A British journalist reminded the president not to try that with the queen when he goes to London for a state visit in the spring. The queen is look, don't touch.... (more)

January 31, 2017
NEWSMAX — Heavy artillery and rockets hit residential areas in eastern Ukraine on Tuesday amid a new outburst of fighting between government troops and Russia-backed separatist rebels, killing at least eight people and injuring dozens.... (more)

January 31, 2017
ALAN KEYES — Since the Supreme Court's blatantly anti-constitutional decision purporting to force "gay marriage" on all the United States, the GOP's elitist faction leaders have repeatedly signaled their intention to accept the decisions as the "law of the land."... (more)

January 31, 2017
USA TODAY — The Boy Scouts of America announced Monday that, effective immediately, it will accept and register transgender youth into its organization. The move marks a reversal of a policy in place for a century and is effective for the Boy Scouts and the Cub Scouts. The organization vowed to recognize the gender a youngster lists on an application.... (more)

January 30, 2017
ROBERT KNIGHT — As any reporter can tell you, it's far more fun to cover zany people and events than those exuding decency and restraint. The news business, like much of the entertainment media, thrives on mayhem. In Disney's animated classic "Fantasia," the spectacular deviltry of "A Night on Bald Mountain" is followed by a peaceful march of candle-bearing believers after the morning sun dispatches the satanic hordes.... (more)

January 30, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — Despite confusion at airports and a judicial spanking, the White House said Sunday that President Trump's "extreme vetting" executive order remains in effect and is working as the administration had hoped, halting almost all travelers from seven majority-Muslim countries with histories of terrorism.... (more)

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