Senator John Cornyn of TX Highlights Mental Health Reforms in CURES Act.
Thank You, Jesus for this legislation!
The 21st Century CURES Act!!
Worked on by many, and finally passed Passed Dec 2016.
And by You, Almighty God, it will be implemented!! 🙏 SOON!!
IMPLEMENTED, in a short time, and joyfully, as people SEE the great need for this for people cycling through the justice system due to SICKNESS! They are dear people with 'out of control behavior' they CAN NOT HELP because of substance abuse and mental illness that continues, sometimes for many years, because of LACK OF receiving evidence-based TREATMENT!
The 21st Century CURES Act!!
Worked on by many, and finally passed Passed Dec 2016.
And by You, Almighty God, it will be implemented!! 🙏 SOON!!
IMPLEMENTED, in a short time, and joyfully, as people SEE the great need for this for people cycling through the justice system due to SICKNESS! They are dear people with 'out of control behavior' they CAN NOT HELP because of substance abuse and mental illness that continues, sometimes for many years, because of LACK OF receiving evidence-based TREATMENT!
This Treatment is available -- what works!! 💖 YEAH!!
There is a recognized US (even internationally) National Model of Bexar County, TX now available to us, showing clearly the holistic approach (many aspects to it) that is NEEDED, and WORKS!!
And SAVES MONEY, once a relatively small investment is made for this large suffering population.
And, most of all, it saves lives!! 💑 No more in and out of hospitals, crime after crime, jail & prison, overdoses, suicides, domestic violence, and homelessness!! 😍
Makes people ABLE to get their lives back!! And in many cases, it involves getting their children 🙏 they had to let others raise, back. 🙇🙆 Transformed lives!!
Makes people ABLE to get their lives back!! And in many cases, it involves getting their children 🙏 they had to let others raise, back. 🙇🙆 Transformed lives!!
"Nothing is too difficult for the Lord!!" (Luke 1:37) who LOVES us all, extremely!!