Sunday, August 19, 2018

Ex-Fox News analyst: Trump is a danger to the US

   Former Fox News Military analyst speaking out about US president, Donald Trump! IMPORTANT words!
Lt. Col Ralph Peters is a beautiful example of what the Bible says to do, including to appropriately exercise our freedom of speech!!
"Fear no evil (eg, 'what Trump will say'!); For the Lord is with you!" (Psalm 23)
And Lt Col Peters also speaks of, in his own words, how
"Fear of man is a snare!! (ie, a deliberately HIDDEN trap!) but whoso puts his trust in the Lord shall be safe!!" (Proverbs 29:25)

  Very important example for us at this time!!
         Thank You, Jesus!!  You are HEALING our land!! 

Family friend talks about seeing Chris Watts and his girls just days bef...

  Serious Mental Illness - Anosognosia!

Close friends of Shanann Watts horrified they welcomed accused killer in...

The work of "the devil, murderer from the start!!"
   "Our battle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the spiritual forces of darkness (evil!!)!!"
 (Ephesians 6:10-18)

Girl accused of pushing friend off bridge speaks out

God looks at the heart!
Please pray for these girls, and our justice system.