Saturday, November 29, 2014



2014 November 29                   from G. Edward Griffin

Folium19 more shopping days
There is no better gift than knowledge.

Each Christmas, we offer something special as an incentive to shop at our online bookstore. Last year, we gave free copies of a famous book that has been out of print for about forty years. We could do that because we had acquired an entire pallet of these books recovered from a warehouse. This offer was so popular with our customers that we have decided to repeat it his year.

If you already have a copy of this book, now you can get another one at no cost and give it as a Christmas gift to one of your savvy friends. The book has been selling in our bookstore for $35 but, between now and December 17, you can ...

Receive a FREE hardbound copy of

This is one of the most controversial and important books of our time ˗ and it has been out of print for years.

It is controversial because of the uncertainty of its origin. Is it a secret document written by a CFR-dominated think tank commissioned by the U.S. Department of Defense during the Johnson Administration (as claimed in the Report itself) or was it written by Leonard Lewin, the man who originally said he was given the manuscript by one of the writers who felt it should be leaked to the public?

It is important because it is a blueprint for how oppressive governments can keep their citizens psychologically incapable of rebelling. The solution, says the Report, is war. Only during war or the threat of war are the masses compliant enough to carry the yoke of oppressive government without complaint. Fear of conquest and pillage by an enemy can make almost any burden seem acceptable by comparison.

The Report also examines the possibility of an alternative to war that might arouse the same level of fear. It concludes that an end-of-earth scenario based on projections of environmental catastrophe holds the most promise for that purpose. It says that it makes no difference if the projections are correct. Credibility is more important than truth, and credibility can be achieved by repetition in the media.

Regardless of who wrote it, this book explains the reality of our present world.

FoliumBetween now and December 17, which is our last order date for delivery by Christmas, a new, hardbound copy of Report from Iron Mountain will be sent free to all customers who purchase three or more items from our online catalogue.

The following link will take you to The Reality Zone Home Page where you will see various topic categories. Finding great gifts for your friends will be easy. You may even find something for yourself. Enjoy!

Enter The Reality Zone

Several months ago, I purchased a pair of solar lanterns for use during the next power outage. I have an assortment of flashlights, candles, and oil lamps but, when I saw these lanterns, I knew I had found a better solution. They recharge from sunlight every day and, if needed, provide light all night long. If the grid is ever knocked out by an X-class solar flare, an EMP, a severe storm, or an earthquake, you need not worry about emergency lighting.

Many friends who see my lanterns want some for their own use, so I decided to purchase a large quantity from the distributor to get a ridiculously low price and then add them to The Reality Zone in time for Christmas. They are perfect gifts for just about anyone, including grandma. 

Enter The Reality Zone

G. Edward Griffin 


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Friday, November 28, 2014

WHO ATE YOUR PIE? - Unfiltered News 2014 November 28


Compiled by G. Edward Griffin

Unfiltered News is updated four times each week.
Previous issues may be accessed from the current issue.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Exclusive webinar with Judge Napolitano

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Monday, November 24, 2014

RenewAmerica Newsletter

November 25, 2014
Latest columns
Briar patch kids
David Hines
Dan Popp
Amnesty? No, treason!
Michael Oberndorf
A great idea
Gabriel Garnica
The two Ukraines
Alan Caruba

RENEWAMERICA — Shortly after communist-mentored Barack Obama was elected to the White House in 2008, I asked a brother at a family gathering, "Who's going to be president of the United States in 20 years?" Without hesitating, he said, "Barack Obama"... (more)

(Pardon one objectional word)

November 24, 2014
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — Michael Savage is not the only writer to conclude this nation is more divided now that at any time since the Civil War. However, the author/radio talk-show host has explored in-depth America's step-by-step removal from the ideal of "one nation, indivisible."... (more)

November 24, 2014
Amnesty move 'lends the force of law to a de facto invasion'
ALAN KEYES — Barack Obama says that he is president of the United States, not an emperor. Anxious to prove that Obama is a sociopathic liar (a point plainly in evidence in the wake of Jonathan Gruber's arrogantly frank revelations about the Obama faction's preparation of the Obamacare legislation), Rush Limbaugh counters that Obama lies. He is an emperor... (more)

November 24, 2014
MAUREEN SCOTT — So Obama's plan is to grant amnesty to four or five million (a one million difference, mind you...not a number to sneeze at!) illegal aliens who come forth from the shadows, to register and get a Green Card, and become legal immigrants in the U.S. The Liberals' hearts are warmed. But have any of them, including Obama and his cohorts in the federal government, really thought about how this is going to be an amount that can be certified as correct?... (more)

November 24, 2014
CLIFF KINCAID — As "Dumb and Dumber To" hits theaters, Newsmax has headlined an interview with NBC's Chuck Todd: "Six Years Later, We Still Don't Know Obama." He's hawking his book about Obama titled The Stranger. In effect, Todd, host of NBC's "Meet the Press," is saying he can't figure Obama out. He's pleading ignorance... (more)

November 23, 2014
WASHINGTON TIMES — Upon landing in Las Vegas Friday afternoon, President Obama officially signed two memoranda to carry out his executive actions granting legal status and work permits to nearly 5 million illegal immigrants.... (more)

November 23, 2014
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — President Obama is an Alinskyite.​ That assertion is not an epithet -- well, not primarily. True, I would not describe someone I admired as an "Alinskyite." Saul Alinsky was a loathsome figure -- a radical statist who whose toxic brew of thoroughgoing deceit and brass-knuckles extortion ("direct action") has become a part of mainstream politics. But in tying the president to the seminal community organizer whose theories and tactics so influenced him, my purpose is more to decode than to insult him.... (more)

November 23, 2014
MONICA CROWLEY — "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive." -- Sir Walter Scott. Last week, we saw the key intellectual and practical architect of Obamacare, MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, reminding us on tape that the entire Obamacare house of cards was built on deliberate lies.... (more)

November 23, 2014
JERUSALEM POST — Historic negotiations with Iran will reach an inflection point on Monday, as world powers seek to clinch a comprehensive deal that will, to their satisfaction, end concerns over the nature of its vast, decade-old nuclear program.... (more)

November 23, 2014
NEWSMAX — The United States can never defeat the Islamic State and other terrorist groups until President Barack Obama realizes "that war has been declared against us," author Phyllis Chesler said on Saturday.... (more)

November 23, 2014
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — The Obama administration on Saturday announced that a Saudi detainee who was an admitted al Qaeda member and helped plan the assassination of Afghan warlord Ahmad Shah Massoud would be sent home from the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.... (more)

November 23, 2014
REUTERS — Two men suspected of buying explosives they planned to detonate during protests in Ferguson, Missouri, once a grand jury decides the Michael Brown case, were arrested on Friday and charged with federal firearms offenses, a law enforcement official told Reuters.... (more)

November 22, 2014
NEWSMAX — Republican leaders have a dirty little secret -- they're actually delighted President Barack Obama used his executive powers to help millions of illegal immigrants, former Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado says.... (more)

November 22, 2014
CHARLES HURT — In his immigration lecture Thursday night, President Obama revealed himself as a man politically broken, isolated from any sense of normal reality and completely unspooled from logic. The man who once unified this country with elegant, daring and powerful speeches was ashen, confused and doddering.... (more)

November 22, 2014
DICK MORRIS — President Obama's decision to grant amnesty to between 4 and 5 million people is really part of an ongoing cyclical process of immigration-amnesty-more immigration. He intends this amnesty to provoke a new wave of illegal entry into the United States, creating a new pool of illegal immigrants awaiting their own amnesty.... (more)

November 22, 2014
NEWSIOSITY — President Obama should be impeached for taking executive action on immigration, Sarah Palin declared Thursday. In a video message, the former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate declared that the president is "betraying our trust" by going "against the wishes of the American people," Breitbart reported.... (more)

November 22, 2014
WORLDNETDAILY — Some analysts believed President Obama waited until after the midterm elections to announce his unilateral immigration-reform package to give Democrats a better chance to keep control of the Senate.... (more)

November 22, 2014
NEWSMAX — Controversial Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber has been called to testify about "repeated transparency failures and outright deceptions surrounding Obamacare," the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced Friday.... (more)

November 22, 2014
NEWSMAX — Five months after the Internal Revenue Service deemed that emails sent by former official Lois Lerner had been lost forever, the Treasury Department's inspector general told Congress on Friday that as many as 30,000 might have been found -- and conservatives were outraged.... (more)

November 21, 2014
NEWSMAX — President Barack Obama said he'll defer deportations and open the chance of better jobs for about 5 million undocumented immigrants, ending months of build-up and initiating a showdown with congressional Republicans.... (more)

November 21, 2014
SEN. JEFF SESSIONS — Americans defeated President Obama's disastrous amnesty plans both in Congressand at the voting booth. Tonight, President Obama defied an entire nation and declared that he will impose his rejected amnesty through the brute force of executive order.... (more)

November 21, 2014
MARK KRIKORIAN — Obama's speech announcing his immigration diktat was the usual pabulum: "our immigration system is broken," can't let illegals "remain in the shadows," "commonsense middle-ground approach," blah, blah, blah. ​If I didn't have to go on TV right afterwards, I would have played a drinking game.... (more)

November 21, 2014
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — Can the president make fraud and theft legal? How about assault? Cocaine use? Perjury? You'd have to conclude he can -- and that we have supplanted the Constitution with a monarchy -- if you buy President Obama's warped notion of prosecutorial discretion.... (more)

November 21, 2014
WASHINGTON TIMES — The Pentagon is under fire for making a ransom payment to an Afghan earlier this year as part of a failed bid to win the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to U.S. officials.... (more)

November 21, 2014
WASHINGTON TIMES — Even before the 2016 presidential campaign truly begins, division lines between Jeb Bush and his potential foes in the Republican primary already have been drawn. The former Florida governor signaled in a Washington speech Thursday that he is prepared to fight the base in his own party over the increasingly unpopular Common Core education standards, arguing that they are vital to improving the quality of education and, by extension, improving children's chances to succeed in today's economy.... (more)

November 20, 2014
STEFANI WILLIAMS — This month marks the 50th anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's pivotal speech "A Time for Choosing" -- the speech that propelled Reagan onto the national political stage in 1964, and which in many ways articulated the definitive substance of conservatism: protection of unalienable rights, limited government, a strong national defense, individual responsibility, personal morality, and adherence to the U.S. Constitution... (more)

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