Wednesday, November 19, 2014



2014 November 19
from G. Edward Griffin

      Last call for the
First Congress of Freedom Force.
The deadline is November 24

Enrollment for the First Congress of Freedom Force has already exceeded our expectations, but there still is room for a few more Delegates, so we have extended the deadline to its absolute limit, which is Monday, November 24.

In case you missed the previous announcements, I am talking about Operation Lift-Off, which is the launch of the world's first organization based on enumerated principles of freedom and with a Freedom Academy to teach and perpetuate those principles. Nothing like this has ever happened before in history, and it will occur on December 13 and 14 in Paso Robles, California.

You are invited to be there, not as a passive observer, but an active participant.

If you are not familiar with Freedom Force International and its unique mission, please put the rest of this message on hold until you check out the Freedom Force web site. Only then will you see what makes us optimistic about the future in spite of the gathering storm.

Go to:

If you already are familiar with Freedom Force and are ready to make history, read on.

The first step in Operation Lift-Off is the creation of the First Congress of Freedom Force International and the selection of the Leadership Council. This will happen on December 13 and 14, 2014, in Paso Robles, California. Details are provided on the Enrollment page, but here are a few updates to the information previously published.

The enrollment deadline is Monday, November 24.

The "Early-Bird" enrollment rate has been extended to the deadline. That means there will be no penalty for last-minute enrollments, provided they are received by November 24th.

Time is running out for best choice of accommodations. The Paso Robles Inn is a popular resort, especially during the Christmas season. The rooms we had reserved for our Delegates have been sold out but, at last notice, there were still a few available at the normal rates. Of course, there are other hotels in the area, and our Event Coordinator, Annaliza Spiga, will help you find alternate accommodations if necessary. Her phone number is listed on the enrollment page.

To learn about the First
Freedom Force Congress, click here.

If you are familiar with this background
and want to go directly to enrollment, click here.


May the Force of Freedom be with you.

G. Edward Griffin    

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