Tuesday, December 26, 2017

All You Ever Wanted Was My Heart

 "All You Ever Wanted Was My Heart!" by Casting Crowns
 (sung by Mike Gaston & Kiva Panter at TFC church)

              Very powerful!   Jesus LOVES us!! 
     Applies to MANY!  Even many Christians years after 😟 they have given their life to Jesus!
  I thank God for a real good revelation from His Word 📖 about what the 'Gospel', and closely related, being 'born-again', really mean! 
    JESUS LOVES US, and wants us TO KNOW what He got for us!!  And paid for totally Himself, by going to the Cross! 💝
    God (Jesus) wants us to 'not be ignorant about the devil's 👿 devices' (2 Cor 2:11) who tries to deceive us out of this, and other, very important knowledge from God's Word the rest of our lives, if he can!!
   But there is something we can do to acquire and 'hold fast to' those very important revelations the Holy Spirit brings and opens unto us! 😊
By God's awesome ability in us we can read, memorize, and meditate on the Word of God daily!! (Joshua 1:8)
 It's FUN, and does us so much good!! 
It is actually hearing from God!! Exciting!! Also, God's wonderful Word, revealed by the Holy Spirit as we meditate on it, provides for us, right within: 

The Whole Armor of God "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.  Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."  (Ephesians 6:10-13)

  HURRAY!!🎶 🙏💃☝ We CAN KNOW JESUS, and 'who we are In Christ' 😇 and HANG ONTO that very precious Biblical revelation knowledge!! 😄 And also, share it with others! 💞

Sunday, December 24, 2017

'Give Us Wisdom': Ben Carson Leads Trump Cabinet in Prayer Before Tax Re...

          God answers Prayer!!  Hurray!
Including clearly showing Trump's Russia connections, and the great DANGER to America's liberty, and freedom of the US to be a Christian nation!
These Russian connections are deliberately at work causing America to no longer be sovereign!
Communist Vladimir Putin is out to bring America under Russia's influence!  Eventually, full control!! 

Merry Christmas

Beautiful poem!  Of God -- very anointed!!  HOPE is of God!!
Believing God (Jesus) will come thru 'somehow', even though it seems all is lost!
"Nothing is too difficult for the Lord!! (Luke 1:37) who loves us ALL, extremely!!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Man watched violent, child-themed porn on Delta flight - NO ONE CARED!

                                Very IMPORTANT!
              Please watch - porn breaks God's heart! 💔
                Thank You, Jesus, for people like this young
           lady, Dawn, speaking up publicly about the dangers of porn!!
                            Beautiful boldness!!
              An example for us ALL!    #MeToo!! 

         With Jesus' ❤ Compassion 4 America! (& the world!!)
                        Love, Soteria (& Jesus!!)

My little blogs (but BIG God!):

                      Jesus Loves YOU!!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Judge Roy Moore Campaign Statement

                 Beautiful words from a beautiful man of God!!
               Important to know Judge Roy Moore did not lose!
                     God is not done yet!! 
                "Do not grow weary in doing good, for in due season
             you shall reap, if you do not give up!" (Galatians 6:9)

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

WATCH: Roy Moore Rally w/Special Guests! 12/5/17

  (Judge Roy Moore speaks about 3/4 way thru)
 "Nothing is too difficult for the Lord!!" (Luke 1:37) 
  who LOVES us ALL, extremely!!    
     Judge Roy Moore Rally - campaigning against Doug Jones (D) for US Senator, special elec Dec 12, 2017.
Judge Roy Moore (R) openly speaks of his Christian/Judeo values - just as our Founding Fathers & many in US Gov't have done since America's founding!
They/he make 'clear' the Bible is NECESSARY to know right from wrong and to have a basis for a moral foundation for Law & Justice, as well as a moral people, in any society!
The Bible is what our Declaration of Independence & US Constitution are 'based on', declaring that ALL men  are created in God's image, & gov't's purpose is to protect the 'God-given' inalienable rights God gave to all men!
  The Bible tells us what they are! Yes, we can know for sure!! YEAH!! 😄

   "Nothing is too difficult for the Lord!!" (Luke 1:37) 
  who LOVES us ALL, extremely!!    

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Jared Kushner gets personal

  Caught in crime, which always includes lying, duplicity, years ago! Connections with Russia go back years!

Stelter: ABC News' correction sparks credibility crisis

This shows Trump is aware of something spoken being FALSE & DISHONEST! How does he know the motive?? Not a mistake?? Trump is NOT naive, just 'new at this'!! Lying and criminal activity has been Trump's life! Mafia!! Russian Mafia!!
"Nothing is too difficult for the Lord!!" (Luke 1:37) who loves us ALL, extremely!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

CWAHM Video Devotions with Jill Hart

"Faith works by Love!!"  Opposite of Fear!!
           And "God's LOVE casts out all Fear!!"
              A very important teaching!!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Twenty years ago, Shon Hopwood's future did not look as promising as it does today.  
Over the course of two decades, Hopwood has transformed himself from a convicted bank robber into a highly accomplished associate professor of law at Georgetown Law School. Steve Kroft spoke with 60 Minutes Overtime about what drew him to the story.
"I think it's one of the most compelling stories I've ever covered," says Kroft. "Shon was one of the best characters." That's no small statement from Kroft, who has covered hundreds of stories since his tenure at 60 Minutes began in 1989.
Kroft's story is titled "Redemption," but he says Hopwood's life isn't "your typical redemption story."

Monday, October 2, 2017

Reigning in Life Thru Jesus!!

When I finally got teaching on how to recognize and rule over the devil it CHANGED MY LIFE!!
As you can imagine, this is very important!
Life is much more FUN when we learn how to reign, using our authority in Christ, by the Holy Spirit, over the devil!!
Much more FUN for God too!
Jesus (God) hurts when we hurt! That's WHY the devil attacks us, God's kids, to HURT God!! Utter evil!!
 And that is exactly what happens if, in our ignorance, we let the devil have a place in our lives!  HURT!! The devil is CRUEL!!
Satan will try to rob us of our joyful life with God (and rob God!) by attacking our bodies, minds, families, money, ministry, anything it can think of to HURT us!
I'm going to watch this a few times. Or more!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

RenewAmerica Newsletter

September 19, 2017
Latest columns
Hurricane heroes
Linda Goudsmit
So much for change
Chuck Baldwin
What is truth?
A.J. Castellitto

September 18, 2017
ALAN KEYES — Has the United States ever been short on demagogues? I just typed the word into the Google search box. The first definition listed is reasonably complete and accurate: demagogue; plural noun: demagogues... (more)

September 18, 2017
CLIFF KINCAID — The comical publication the Onion ran a special volume, Homeland Insecurity, with the headline, "Run for Your Lives." I thought of that in the wake of the decision by hard-liners Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka to voluntarily leave the White House rather than continue to fight for rational pro-American policies in the Trump Administration against what has been called the Deep State.... (more)

September 18, 2017
PUBLIUS HULDAH — The danger of an Article V convention (which made James Madison "tremble," caused Alexander Hamilton "dread," and Chief Justice John Jay to say that another convention would impose an "extravagant risque") is this: the delegates to the convention can run away: instead of proposing amendments to our existing Constitution, they can write a completely new Constitution with a new -- and easier -- mode of ratification.... (more)

September 18, 2017
ALICIA POWE — Former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore is holding a hefty lead in Alabama's special election GOP runoff against interim Sen. Luther Strange in a race that analysts claim embodies a war inside the GOP between establishment and anti-establishment forces.... (more)

September 18, 2017
THE HILL — We've all heard that fact sometimes is stranger than fiction, correct? Well, hold on to your hat, dear reader, because the following facts make strange look boring.... (more)

September 18, 2017
INTELLECTUAL TAKEOUT — [Last]spring, PBS has been airing a three-part documentary series, "School, Inc.", spotlighting some of the successes of education choice and free-market schooling options around the world. "School, Inc." is the brainchild of Andrew Coulson, an education policy researcher who left a successful career at Microsoft to answer a perplexing question: Why is it that innovation occurs frequently in other areas, but not in education?... (more)

September 18, 2017
DEADLINE — With 11.38 million viewers tuning into the 69th annual Primetime Emmy Awards is even with last year's show on ABC, which was the all-time low. The 2016 show was down 5% from the 2015 show, which was the previous low. Among adults 18-49, last night's Emmys snagged a 2.5 rating. That's down 10% from the Jimmy Kimmel hosted show of last year, the previous demo low.... (more)

September 18, 2017
THE FREE BEACON — California Gov. Jerry Brown (D.) compared President Donald Trump supporters to ignorant cave dwellers at a climate change event Monday in New York City. "They're both kind of very similar. You should check out the derivation of 'Trump-ite' and 'troglodyte,' because they both refer to people who dwell in deep, dark caves," Brown said in remarks reported by Politico.... (more)

September 18, 2017
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Israel and the U.S. inaugurated the first American military base on Israeli soil on Monday, which will serve dozens of soldiers operating a missile defense system. The move comes at a time of growing Israeli concerns about archenemy Iran's development of long-range missiles. Together with the U.S., Israel has developed a multilayered system of defenses against everything from long-range guided missile attacks from Iran to crude rockets fired from Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.... (more)

September 18, 2017
BYRON YORK — After two previous deadlines came and went, House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes has set a new date for the FBI and Justice Department to turn over documents relating to the Trump dossier.... (more)

September 18, 2017
LINDA GOUDSMIT — On Friday September 8, 2017 Governor Rick Scott issued a mandatory evacuation order for all residents of the barrier islands on the west coast of Florida where my husband and I live. We anxiously monitored the trajectory of Hurricane Irma and watched with horror as the colossal storm gathered strength and unexpectedly veered west. On Saturday morning we left everything behind and drove north toward safety.... (more)

September 18, 2017
WORLDNETDAILY — Never underestimate the power of water. My parents drilled this mantra into my head as a young girl growing up in San Antonio in an area prone to flash floods. I've lived in Houston for 30 years, and as such, have lived through several hurricanes. The worst (until Harvey) was Hurricane Ike in 2008. Ike had 145 mph sustained winds, and the eye of the storm passed right over us. I had never experienced anything like it.... (more)

September 16, 2017
JERRY NEWCOMBE — On January 22, 1973, with the bang of a gavel, seven men in Washington, D.C. consigned tens of millions of future Americans to an incredibly premature death. These Americans were condemned to die before they were born by what one dissenting justice, Byron White, called "an act of raw judicial power."... (more)

September 16, 2017
THE BLAZE — Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro masterfully handled a student's claim that a first-trimester fetus isn't human life during a Q&A session at his highly anticipated speaking event Thursday at the University of California, Berkeley.... (more)

September 16, 2017
ALICIA POWE — Two family organizations, the Family Research Council and the Susan B. Anthony List, are backing Obamacare repeal legislation proposed by Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Bill Cassidy, R-La., that would prohibit taxpayer funding of abortions.... (more)

September 16, 2017
NEWSMAX — Islamic State terrorists are calling for "lone wolf" attacks in Miami, Houston and other cities affected by recent hurricanes via social media, according to news reports Friday. The Department of Homeland Security outlined the warning Thursday in an unclassified "situation awareness" document that was obtained by CNBC.... (more)

September 16, 2017
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — The latest reporting indicates that 22 people were injured, but fortunately none killed, in this morning's terrorist bombing in the London subway transit system.... (more)

September 16, 2017
PHILIP KLEIN — Whenever Republicans released a healthcare proposal during their ill-fated attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare, the plan was immediately frisked by members of the policy community, who pointed out the myriad of problems raised by the various legislative drafts. It's only fair that we're just as brutally honest about the latest single-payer proposal from socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. Simply put: it is a complete joke.... (more)

September 16, 2017
NEWSMAX — A new film screened at the Toronto Film Festival shines a harsh light on the Teddy Kennedy car-crash scandal on Chappaquiddick Island -- and the famous political family won't like it, according to Vice.... (more)

September 16, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — The number of activists arrested during Ben Shapiro's speech Thursday at the University of California, Berkeley climbed to nine as campus officials declared that the event went off with "barely a hitch" despite the large protest crowd.... (more)

September 16, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — A Dairy Queen franchisee in Wisconsin made national headlines this week for a warning sign to potential customers -- phrases like "God bless America" and "Merry Christmas" are welcomed in his establishment.... (more)

September 16, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — The White House has been privately urging the State Department to speed up its protracted process for releasing Hillary Clinton's still-undisclosed emails. A person close to the discussions said State may shift gears and speed up its responses to Freedom of Information Act lawsuits.... (more)

September 16, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — The Environmental Protection Agency deployed a team of divers Friday to begin inspecting a flooded toxic waste site in Texas in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.... (more)

September 14, 2017
CLIFF KINCAID — Despite the election of President Trump, which seemed to momentarily disrupt Democratic Party plans for total control, conservatives are losing politically. Trump's basic failure was the inability to seize control of the Pentagon and intelligence agencies away from Obama and his holdovers. Conservatives that Trump tried to put in were systematically purged. He's the ultimate target. It's unclear whether he can save himself.... (more)

September 14, 2017
THE HILL — Anti-fascist activists, or "antifa," increasingly mobilized in the wake of President Trump's election, are unapologetic about what they describe as the necessary use of violence to combat authoritarianism.... (more)

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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

RenewAmerica Newsletter

August 29, 2017
Latest columns
Abolish abortion?
Tom Hoefling

August 29, 2017
USCDA needs volunteers, call 949-697-5676
MICHAEL WEBSTER — All USCDA (United States Civil Defense Association) members are encouraged to respond to Southeast Texas. This includes all volunteers. Report to the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) upon your arrival in the area.... (more)

August 28, 2017
ALAN KEYES — People who profess to revere the Constitution really ought to spend time thinking through the significance of its provisions. They should read through and revisit occasionally the record of the debates at the Constitutional Convention. They should evaluate the arguments that were made, to think about how and whether those arguments continue to make sense in light of our present circumstances.... (more)

August 28, 2017
WES PRUDEN — A president's pardoning power is absolute, as every judge knows, and just as absolute is the certainty that every pardon will be met by a hail of hosannas and a howl of complaint and grievance from someone.... (more)

August 28, 2017
NEWSMAX — Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., is facing an uphill battle in his reelection bid, according to a new survey. The results of the JMC Analytics poll:... (more)

August 28, 2017
ROBERT KNIGHT — Ever since Donald Trump's election, we've been awash in such cultural and political lunacy that it defies attempts at parody. It's not just the concerted assault on anything reminding us of the Confederacy, or the numbingly constant messaging that only bigots oppose giving boys access to girls' locker rooms. The very idea of America as an imperfect but good and decent country is under daily assault. Plus, the president can't even brush his teeth correctly. You can read all about it.... (more)

August 28, 2017
JOSEPH FARAH — I remember the first time I heard the term "alt-right." A reporter for the New York Times called me to ask me some questions about it a couple years ago. I told her truthfully, I had never heard the term used in my life. She was shocked. She probably thought I was disingenuous. I asked her what it was all about and why she would call me to learn about something I knew nothing about.... (more)

August 28, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — The National Weather Service said Sunday that deadly storm Harvey is "unprecedented" and its impacts are "beyond anything experienced," as Texas officials dealt with stranded residents amid reports of widespread flooding and torrential rain.... (more)

August 28, 2017
DAILY MAIL — The flood of a lifetime has hit Texas after the violent winds of Hurricane Harvey began to die down, with the state expecting another 50 inches to pour down upon the region in record-setting precipitation. The destructive path of the hurricane began to take shape on Sunday, with a striking collection of aerial photographs laying bare its damage for the first time.... (more)

August 28, 2017
NEWSMAX — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will begin a controlled release of Houston reservoirs beginning overnight Sunday. Harris County officials made the announcement Sunday night and said another controlled release will take place around midday on Monday.s_images/2017/2625.jpg... (more)

August 27, 2017
BYRON YORK — In late July, the Justice Department refused a request from the Senate Judiciary Committee -- a bipartisan, joint request from Chairman Charles Grassley and Ranking Democrat Dianne Feinstein -- to make two top FBI officials available for an interview in the committee's investigation of the Trump dossier and other matters related to the Trump-Russia affair.... (more)

August 27, 2017
DAILY MAIL — Texas has been left reeling by 'catastrophic' flooding and 'widespread devastation' on Saturday in the wake of Hurricane Harvey after the monstrous storm slammed into the state leaving at least one person dead and another 14 injured.... (more)

August 27, 2017
DAILY CALLER — An armed Antifa group is launching a new cell in Philadelphia, with support from the "alt-left" alternative media. The group currently hosts anti-police workshops called "Our Enemies in Blue." The group draws inspiration from convicted murderers and calls for violence against the police, theft of goods, and armed insurrection.... (more)

August 27, 2017
BILL FEDERER — King George III's British army was forced to evacuate Boston. They headed to New York. General George Washington responded by moving American troops to New York and fortifying Brooklyn Heights. Enthusiasm was high as Washington's ranks swelled to nearly 20,000.... (more)

August 26, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — President Trump issued the first pardon of his tenure Friday to former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, even before the lawman was sentenced for his conviction on a contempt of court charge. The White House said Mr. Arpaio earned the pardon based on a lifetime of public service.... (more)

August 26, 2017
NEWSMAX — Bill O'Reilly tells Newsmax TV that the raging debate over Confederate statues is a symptom of a much deeper problem -- the U.S. is in the throes of a "social civil war" and the aggressors are "far-left extremists" who want to tear down much more than just monuments.... (more)

August 26, 2017
WORLDNETDAILY — Which is more insidious, the enemy you recognize or the enemy that appears to be your friend? Which is more dangerous, a rag-tag bunch of poorly-funded white supremacists, or a well-organized, massively funded "civil rights" organization that demonizes Christian conservatives? And which lie is more likely to spread, one that is false from beginning to end, or one that mixes falsehood with truth?... (more)

August 26, 2017
BOB UNRUH — Country-rock superstar Charlie Daniels, who at 80 years old is still performing, regularly encourages patriotism, faithfulness to the American ideal and support for America's troops. He's also calling out the extremists on both ends of the political spectrum for endangering Americans' lives.... (more)

August 26, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — President Trump signed a presidential memo Friday night ordering the Defense Department to stop accepting transgender people for military service. The memo outlines Mr. Trump's announcement on Twitter last month that he would impose a ban on transgender people serving in the U.S. military, and officially requests the Pentagon to begin carrying out the ban.... (more)

August 26, 2017
NEWSMAX — Hurricane Harvey was hours away from lashing the Texas coast on Friday with winds of up to 156 miles per hour and 13-foot ocean surges as the most powerful storm in over a decade bore down on the mainland United States.... (more)

August 26, 2017
NEWSMAX — First lady Melania Trump sent a tweet Friday urging those in the path of Hurricane Harvey to be safe. She said that the whole country is sending "thoughts and prayers" to them.... (more)

August 26, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — A self-published e-book by a leading climate skeptic challenging the science behind Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Sequel" is outselling the film's companion book on Amazon. Mr. Gore's book was ranked 16,459th among paid Amazon e-books as of midday Friday, while the e-book "An Inconvenient Deception: How Al Gore Distorts Climate Science and Energy Policy," was ranked 328th.... (more)

August 26, 2017
THE POST AND COURIER — Triggering praise, criticism and some confusion, Gov. Henry McMaster issued an executive order Friday cutting off all public funding to health care providers affiliated with abortion clinics in South Carolina.... (more)

August 26, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Illinois Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner vetoed legislation Friday that would have raised his state's minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2022, up from its current level of $8.25, one dollar above the federal minimum. Rauner said the rate would not be the comprehensive solution needed to expand the economy and create jobs.... (more)

August 24, 2017
WORLDNETDAILY — Judge Roy Moore appears to be steamrolling his way to the U.S. Senate, having finished No. 1 among several candidates for the Republican nomination, beating President Trump's endorsed candidate Luther Strange who he will face in a Sept. 26 runoff.... (more)

August 24, 2017
BREITBART — Palin's endorsement of Moore--the former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court--ahead of the Sept. 26 runoff is a huge momentum booster for the conservative candidate as he extends his commanding lead in the polls over Strange.... (more)

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